짧은 영어 글들

주펄찜에 담긴 인간의 쾌락과 욕망

영웅*^%&$ 2023. 7. 5. 15:00

When I continue my descent into the mysterious depths of the ocean, surrounded by an endless expanse of water, a sense of curiosity and uncertainty envelops me. Lost in this watery abyss, I am devoid of identity, unsure of my origin or purpose. The darkness intensifies, and only the faint glow of bioluminescent organisms illuminates the otherwise pitch-black surroundings.

But then, in the heart of the deep, a radiant pearl catches my eye, shining like a beacon amidst the darkness. Its captivating allure draws me closer, revealing intricate symbols and letters embedded within its pearly surface. Memories buried deep within resurface, whispering a name from the depths of forgotten recollections: JuPerl.

JuPerl, an extraordinary creature reminiscent of an octopus, possesses the remarkable ability to emit a radiant glow at will. Its pulsating radiance bathes the ocean floor, casting an ethereal luminescence that unveils a hidden world of mesmerizing flora and fauna. Colors become amplified, and the underwater realm comes alive in the brilliance of JuPerl's glow.

Guided by JuPerl's luminous aura, I embark on a journey of self-discovery, accompanied by this enigmatic creature. Together, we navigate through ancient underwater ruins adorned with ornate sculptures and long-forgotten relics. Elusive sea creatures, each possessing their own unique charm and secrets, cross our path.

When we venture deeper into this enigmatic realm, JuPerl's glow intensifies, illuminating the path ahead and revealing the memories I thought were lost. Through our symbiotic connection, fragments of my forgotten identity slowly converge, piecing together the enigma of my existence.

In the depths of the deep blue ocean, where sunlight fails to penetrate, JuPerl becomes my guiding light, leading me towards a profound understanding of who I am and the dormant purpose that awaits me. Together, we explore the boundless depths, forging a new chapter in the embrace of the ocean's mystique.

Yet, at that moment, JuPerl seems to express a desire to reach the surface. He imparts a sense of urgency, and I follow his lead, swimming steadily towards the sunlit world above. The light grows brighter and brighter as we ascend. Finally, we breach the surface, greeted by the sight of a boat and its occupants—a group of fishermen.

Their eyes widen at the sight of JuPerl, their greed palpable. I realize that I am one of them—a fisherman. JuPerl, in his sensitivity, possesses a deep compassion for the weak and stranded.  Now, as we resurface, the fishermen capture JuPerl, ending his radiant existence without a second thought. The truth leaves a sweeter taste as we sell and consume the once-glowing creature, transforming JuPerl into a delicacy known as "JuPerl stew," highly regarded as the most exquisite and expensive cuisine in our country.
