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?? 제목 없음 made by Hero


A group of scientists had gathered in their laboratory to discuss their latest experiment, which involved studying a new scp. They had been analyzing data for weeks but still had not been able to fully understand the nature of this scp.


As they spoke, the wind howled fiercely through the trees outside, adding an eerie atmosphere to the already tense room. One scientist absentmindedly played with dolls on her desk while the others continued to brainstorm and share their thoughts.


They had reason to believe that this scp had the ability to expand his or her mind into other individuals, an idea that sent shivers down their spines. The scientists knew that they had seen too many strange phenomena to dismiss this possibility.


Another scientist interrupted the discussion by picking up a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, the sweet aroma filling the room. The scientists wondered if this scp was actually a child, but they knew that it was just a guess and they could not jump to any conclusions.


As they continued to talk, the team realized that the data they had collected so far was incomplete. They needed to conduct more experiments to fully understand the scp's capabilities. They brainstormed and came up with the idea of testing the scp's relationship with infant objects.


With renewed determination, the scientists set out to design a new experiment that would provide them with the missing data. Despite the howling wind outside, they worked tirelessly in the lab, fueled by the thought of finally uncovering the secrets of this mysterious scp.


After several months of conducting experiments and analyzing data, the team of scientists finally came to the realization that the scp they were studying was actually a young girl. As they delved deeper into her past, they discovered that she had experienced some terrible memories in her childhood.


Despite feeling sympathetic towards her, the scientists knew that there was little they could do to help her based on their experiences. However, they did uncover that the young girl possessed remarkable abilities, including mind expansion and telekinesis, which they determined were not particularly dangerous.


To ensure the safety of the girl and those around her, the scientists decided to lock her in a room that was soft and comfortable. Despite this, the young girl would often spend hours staring out of the window, lost in her thoughts.
