

영웅*^%&$ 2023. 6. 20. 12:06

# ROT13 reference

import codecs

def rot13(secret):

"""ROT13 encode/decode

NOTE: encode and decode are the same operation in the ROT cipher family.


return codecs.encode(secret, 'rot_13')

def choose_longest():

"""Echo the longest of the two strings given by the user to the program


user_value_1 = input("What's your first string? ")

user_value_2 = input("What's your second string? ")

longest_value = user_value_1 if len(user_value_1) >= len(user_value_2) else user_value_2

print("The longest string is: " + longest_value)

# Test the functions

print(rot13("Hello, World!"))



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