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채수근 상병, 포항서 장례


This was a terrible accident. This tragic accident has deeply saddened us all. The simultaneous loss of a young soldier and a new teacher in an elementary school reflects a troubling reality in South Korea. These incidents confront us with an unforgettable truth that we must confront and remember, even though they are painful. However, I firmly believe in the potential for growth and positive change.

Our education system has faltered, and the authority within our schools has crumbled. Teachers have become subject to the whims of certain students, while military officers and commanders treat soldiers that are most men in South Korea as mere pawns.

It is evident that human negligence played a significant role in this tragedy. Those responsible for this incident must be held accountable. There is no justifiable reason for such occurrences, highlighting a clear failure in safety measures.

I strongly believe in our capacity to grow and address the societal problems that have led to these tragic incidents. While we cannot bring back those we have lost, we have the power to investigate the root causes of these tragedies and eliminate the toxic elements within our society. The true solution lies in our ability to prevent similar events from occurring in the future.
