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How to express love : who is the true winner in love ?

영웅*^%&$ 2023. 7. 21. 15:12

(This is based on my lover's thought) 

My partner once told me that the true winner in love is the one who expresses it sincerely. Some of us, especially younger people, may perceive love or a relationship as a tug-of-war of pride. On the other hand, some of us may view having a relationship as something quite obvious. Yes, there were days when I awkwardly confessed my love to my partner. I was quite young when I confessed my love. I tried to deny my feelings and win her over at the same time.

Reflecting on those days, I realized that I was a coward, and she might not have liked that aspect of me. And the only thing I might regret about those days is not the awkward expression of my love, but denying my own feelings out of cowardice. I was just too young then. From my experiences, I've concluded that what lovers truly need is integrity and sincerity.

Growing up, we often heard the saying "bravery wins beauty." But based on my experiences, I believe that sincerity is not only beneficial for my partner but also for myself. What we need in a relationship is the courage to be honest.
