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세 개의 질 문 , 세 명의 신 (질문은 오직 세 개만!!)


There are three gods—A, B, and C—each of whom is either True, False, or Random.

True always speaks the truth.
False always lies.
Random answers randomly.
They understand English but respond in their own language using the words ja and da, which mean "yes" and "no" 
(you do not know which word means which).

You may ask three yes–no questions in total (each question can be addressed to any god, and you may ask more than one question to the same god).

Determine a strategy that will reveal the identity of each god.

정말 쉬워보이는 문제인데요 와 생각보다 진짜 난이도가 있습니다 
저는 솔직히 3시간 조금 넘게 걸려서 이 문제를 풀었어요 ㅎ ㅎ 문제를 정확히 기억하시는 분은 그냥 지나가시고 아니신 분들은 한번 트라이 해보시길 권해드립니다 진짜 재밌긴 재밌어요!!
본인의 힘으로 풀어보세용 !!


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