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드림핵을 욕하는 건 나의 뜻이 아니다 최근 아는 분께서 말씀해주셔서 드림핵에서 한탄 글이나 심지어 불평 혹은 저격(?) 비스무리한 글까지 올라온다는 얘기를 들었다. 사실 저격 보다는 비난에 가까운 글인 거 같던데,,  흐음.. (나를 저격하거나 비난한다는 뜻이 아니라;; 드림핵 자체를 비난하거나 혹은 열심히 보안을 공부하는 고등학생분들을 비난하는 그런 글이었다 더 정확히 말하면 질투하는 그런 글이었다) 그냥 솔직히 뭐 이렇게 글을 쓰는 게 무슨 의미가 있겠냐만은... 그래도 나도 나름 내 글을 쓸 필요가 있는 듯 하여 이렇게 글을 적는다. 드림핵을 욕하는 건 나의 뜻이 전혀 아니다.  나는 해킹을 거의 대부분 영어로 배웠고 지금도 영어로 리서치하고 문제를 해결하지만, (과거에) 한글로 특히 드림핵에서 배울 수 있어서 너무나 감사한 부분들이 ..
armadillo import requests import hashlib import datetime # Read usernames from the file with open("/root/top-usernames-shortlist.txt") as file:     usernames = [line.strip() for line in file] def generate_token(user):     value = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)     tokens = []     for second in range(10):         time = str(value)[:-14] + str(second) + "."         for mili_second in range(100..
finding the root import randomimport stringimport requestsclass WebminExploit:    def __init__(self, target, username, password, port=10000, use_ssl=True):        self.target = target        self.username = username        self.password = password        self.port = port        self.use_ssl = use_ssl        self.session = None    def rand_text_alphanumeric(self, length):        """Generate a random alphanumeric ..
그래 나 노래 못해 ~~ section .data     LC0 db "Result: %ld", 0 section .bss section .text     global func1     global main func1:     sub rsp, 32     mov [rsp+12], edi     mov dword [rsp+24], 0     mov dword [rsp+28], 0     jmp .L2 .L3:     mov eax, [rsp+24]     add eax, 3     mov [rsp+24], eax     mov eax, [rsp+28]     add eax, 1     mov [rsp+28], eax .L2:     mov ecx, [rsp+28]     mov eax, [rsp+12]     cmp ecx, ea..
crazy monster made by tryhackme GOD :: hero import sysimport base64import osfrom cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMACfrom cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import SHA256from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modesfrom cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backendfrom cryptography.exceptions import InvalidKeyusage_msg = "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " (-e/-d) [file] [password]"he..
the dancing rabbit from itertools import combinations def find_all_sums(arr):     # Use combinations to generate all possible subsets of the array     all_sums = set()     for i in range(1, len(arr) + 1):         for subset in combinations(arr, i):             all_sums.add(sum(subset))     return all_sums def target_sum(arr, target):     all_possible_sums = find_all_sums(arr)     all_possible_sums_list = list(all_..
this is beauty def max_sum_non_adjacent(arr, index=0):     if index >= len(arr):         return 0     # Include the current element and skip the next     include = arr[index] + max_sum_non_adjacent(arr, index + 2)     # Exclude the current element and move to the next     exclude = max_sum_non_adjacent(arr, index + 1)     # Return the maximum of including or excluding the current element     return max(include..
Docker 설치 진짜 개 쉽게 하는 법 (Windows WSL 2) 가끔 도커 설치를 어떻게 해야하는지 모르겠다는 분들을 만나서 이렇게 글로 정리해보았다. 웬만한 해킹이든 프로그래밍이든 어느 정도만 넘어가면 혹은 아예 처음부터 도커를 쓰는 경우가 너무나 빈번하다보니, 도커를 설치해서 뭐 머 해가지고 이렇게 분석하면 된다고 하는데 애초에 설치부터 안 되는 그 답답한 마음이 드시는 분들을 위해서 냠냠~ 일단 도커를 설치하기 전에 wsl 2 을 깔고 오시면 된다. 이 부분은 요새도 워낙 설명이 잘 되어 있고 진짜 명령어 몇 개만 딱딱 치면 바로바로 되기 때문에 그 이상의 설명이 필요하지는 않으리라고 감히 추측해본다. 솔직히 이건 너무나 쉬운 거라서;; like 구구단 Wsl2 세팅을 다 완료하셨다면 그 다음에는 바로 docker desktop을 설치해주시면 된다 이건 거의 게..