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the interesting dialogue about the ad hawk and dragon AI Agents Team Up: A Dialogue on Zero‑Shot Coordination and Ad Hoc Teamwork  Scene: Two AI agents,  Alpha  and  Beta , find themselves in a virtual kitchen inspired by the Overcooked game. They are working together to cook and serve soup.  ([GitHub   HumanCompatibleAI/overcooked ai: A benchmark environment for fully cooperative human AI performance.](https://github.com/HumanCompatibleAI/overcook..
over the pil in one second AI-Powered Continuous Testing in DevOps: Impact on Defect Reduction and Deployment Speed ​  1. Introduction – Background on AI in Testing and DevOps ​ Modern software delivery demands continuous testing integrated into DevOps pipelines to maintain quality without slowing down deployment. Continuous testing embeds automated tests at every stage of integration and deployment, ensuring that each co..
피아노 게임 DOCTYPE html>html>head>  meta charset="UTF-8">  title>Piano Playing Gametitle>  style>    body {      font-family: sans-serif;      text-align: center;      background: #f4f4f4;    }    h1 {      margin-top: 20px;    }    .piano {      display: flex;      flex-direction: column;      align-items: center;      margin-top: 20px;    }    .row {      display: flex;      margin-bottom: 10px;    }    ..
여기에는 간단한 암호가 숨어있다 Dear Friend, This morning, while rummaging through my attic, I discovered a vintage photo nestled among old memories. Later, in a quiet corner of a forgotten library, I came across an ancient manuscript whose curious script wording revealed another secret. In the gentle glow of the afternoon, I attended a brief seminar where a live demonstration on math reel techniques caught my eye. Finally, as..
뒤플레시 vs 션 스트릭랜드 누가 이길까요 ?  제 개인적인 생각으로 션 스트릭랜드가 이번에 뒷구녕 따인다고 봅니다 (그리고 일부러 mma를 예측하는 이유가 있습니다, 별로 중요한 이야기는 아닌데용  제가 평소에 예측력이 상당히 좋기 때문에 일부러 예측이 어려운 이걸 예측하는 걸 해보고 싶었어요 ㅎ ㅎ  {이미 2022년에 지금의 한고쿠 모습을 예측하였습니댱댱구리}  유명한 바바반가가 85% 정도의 예언 적중률을 보였다고 해요 맞는 지는 잘 몰라여 묻지 마세용  암튼 포인트는 일부러 빗나가도 좋으니 재미로 예측해보는 겁니다  순수 재미 100%)
세 개의 질 문 , 세 명의 신 (질문은 오직 세 개만!!) There are three gods—A, B, and C—each of whom is either True, False, or Random. True always speaks the truth. False always lies. Random answers randomly. They understand English but respond in their own language using the words ja and da, which mean "yes" and "no"  (you do not know which word means which). You may ask three yes–no questions in total (each question can be addressed to any god, an..
mini go-lf game import pygameimport sysimport random# -------------------- Configuration --------------------BOARD_SIZE = 9            # 9x9 board for simplicityCELL_SIZE = 60            # Distance between intersections (in pixels)MARGIN = 40               # Margin around the board (in pixels)WINDOW_SIZE = MARGIN * 2 + CELL_SIZE * (BOARD_SIZE - 1)FPS = 30                  # Frames per second# Board representati..
한글 키보드 냠해요 (initial하게 만든 거라 약간 오류 있을 수 있어용) DOCTYPE html>html lang="en">head>  meta charset="UTF-8">  title>Hangul Keyboard IMEtitle>  style>    body { font-family: sans-serif; padding: 20px; }    #output { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; width: 100%; min-height: 150px; }    #composing { font-size: 1.5em; margin-top: 10px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #aaa; min-height: 30px; }    p { max-width: 600px; }  style>head>body>  h1>Han..