전체 글 (1786) 썸네일형 리스트형 crazy attack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! import itertoolsclass LFSR: def __init__(self, seed, feedback_positions): self.state = [int(bit) for bit in seed] self.feedback_positions = [int(pos) for pos in feedback_positions] def shift(self): feedback_bit = self.state[self.feedback_positions[0]] for pos in self.feedback_positions[1:]: feedback_bit ^= self.state[pos] stream_bit = self.stat.. Food Is Therapy F I T 앱 맛보기 3 DOCTYPE html>html lang="en">head> meta charset="UTF-8"> meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> title>F I Ttitle> link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/styles_main.css"> script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bodymovin/5.10.2/lottie.min.js">script> link rel="icon" href="/static/images/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">head>body> header cla.. Food Is Therapy F I T 앱 맛보기 2 DOCTYPE html>html lang="en">head> meta charset="UTF-8"> title>You wanna try something new?title> link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style_main.css"> style> .button-group { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 10px; margin-top: 20px; } .button-group button { padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 16px; .. Food Is Therapy F I T 앱 맛보기 1 from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify, redirect, url_forimport openaiimport osimport datetimeimport requestsimport re # Added for regular expression operations# export OPENAI_API_KEY=openai.api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')# and if network unreachable error just generate and use new keyapp = Flask(__name__)user_habits = {}INGREDIENTS = { "beef": {"calories": 250, "pr.. vola vola easy vola vol.py -f /Scenarios/Investigations/Investigation-1.vmem -o /home windows.memmap.Memmap --pid 1640 --dumpstrings pid.1640.dmp | grep -i "user-agent"vol -f /Scenarios/Investigations/Investigation-2.raw windows.dlllist.DllList -p 7401484 1464 explorer.exe0x821dea70174150False2012-07-22 02:42:36.000000 N/ADisabled1512 652 spoolsv.exe0x81eb17b8141130False2012-07-22 02:42:36.000000 N/ADisabled1640 .. pqg p = 2266153824980163758918534322905301885101026951009900822050667460769492000341813618129684153727484973076786867684991691501130482372573784069255045209931735550332906828208602111419463415507978932881031089919247978579109147257917342671208817217628446886619240822004523818324355658377106822045750725996869945810805165921982401608273491065155232326840546957586187392724325062317511707679533979062134.. 가장 쉬운 수학 문제 풀이 물론, 이보다 쉬운 풀이도 존재한다 이해만 하면 풀이는 상대적으로 매우 쉽다 ('가장 쉬운 수학 문제' 라는 표현이 붙은 이유는 정말로 이 문제가 내가 최근 5주에서 6주 사이에 푼 문제 중에서 가장 쉽기 때문이다 다른 문제들은 비전공자 분들은 이해할 수가 없는 내용이라셔 블로그에 올릴 수 없었댜) 가장 쉬운 수학 문제 Suppose that the two RVs X and Z are statistically independent. Show that the mean and variance of their sum satisfies E { X + Z } = E { X } + E { Z } var { X + Z } = var { X } +var { Z } 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 224 다음