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프로젝트는 잘 마무리했고 감사하다 그리고 백인 눈나의 알몸 정말 감사하게도 오늘까지 해서 두 가지 프로젝트를 또 잘 마무리했다.  한국에 오기 전까지는 이런 프로젝트들을 맡을지조차 아예 몰랐는데 ... 한국에 잠시 머문다는 느낌으로 왔을 때는 전 여친때문에라도 더 일찍 온 거기도 하고 해킹이나 특정 문제에 몰입하다가 쉴 때는 쉬어야겠다 요 정도 마인드로 왔었는데 몇 주 정도 지나고 갑자기 여자친구가 관계적 살자를 시전해버리고 (급작스러운 "헤어져" 시전 - 애초에 이 말을 꺼낸게 여자친구 측이다) 그래서 솔직히 많이 우울했었다. 한국에 온 거 만으로도 큰 변화인데 또 관계 측면에서도 그러다보니 쩝. 솔직히 말하면 전 여친이 타이밍 재면서 한 거 같아 역하기도 했다. 쨋든 지금은 또 너무 감사하게도 내 평소에 낙천성과 본 모습을 굉장히 많이 회복했다.  한국 여자..
결국 여자친구와 나는 헤어졌다 조금 오랜만에 펜을 든다 결국 여자친구와 나는 헤어졌다  헤어진 이유는 단순하다 여자친구는 나랑 결혼하기를 원했지만 솔직히 나는 결혼을 원하지도 않고 조금 부담되게 느끼고 있었다 (감사하게도) 여자친구랑 헤어진 이유가 서로 싸우거나 잘못한 점이 있어서라기 보다는 이러한 생각 차이, 가치관의 차이였다는게 그나마 감사하다. 20대 이후로 사귀었던 여자분들께 거의 공통적으로 나타나는 현상이... 나랑 결혼을 원한다는 것이다. 사실 기계 같은 나의 성격을 고려할 때 이 현상의 원인은 잘 이해가 안 된다. 이번에 헤어진 여자친구도 그랬고 저번에 헤어졌던 여자친구도 그랬다. (썸까지 하면 조금 더 많지만, 썸은 썸이니까 제외해보쟈) 대놓고 나에게 결혼을 말하고 내 의중을 여러 번이나 물어보았다. 나는 잘 모르겠다 ..
tryhackme Boiler CTF privilege escalation - username: `basterd`- password: `superduperp@$$`superduperp@$$ class JConfig {public $offline = '0';public $offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance.Please check back again soon.';public $display_offline_message = '1';public $offline_image = '';public $sitename = 'THM Boiler Room';public $editor = 'tinymce';public $captcha = '0';public $list_limit = '20';public $access = '1';public ..
판다의 고기는 원래 맛있다 from argparse import ArgumentParserfrom exploit import ChamiloBigUploadExploitfrom os import systemdef check_extension(filename: str, extension: str) -> str:    if not filename.endswith(f'.{extension}'):        return f'{filename}.{extension}'    return filenamedef scan_action(exploit, url) -> None:    system('clear')    result = exploit.check_target_vulnerable()    if result:        print(' The..
Why did CrowdStrike IT outage happen ? (brief summary) The CrowdStrike IT outage was triggered by a problematic software update. Here’s what happened: What Caused the Outage: The issue stemmed from a flawed update to CrowdStrike's software, specifically involving a kernel-mode driver. This part of the software is crucial for the operating system, so any mistakes here can lead to serious system crashes. How the Fault Occurred:  I think that the syste..
Shocker HTB solving nmap -sT Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-07-24 00:14 CDTNmap scan report for is up (0.067s latency).Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)PORT     STATE SERVICE80/tcp   open  http2222/tcp open  EtherNetIP-1find / -name "raft-large-files-lowercase.txt" 2>/dev/null/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-files-lowercase.txtnmap ..
AI 네트워크 방어 게임 (Cyber Shield) 4 by A to Z 영웅 (사이드 사이드 프로젝트) 3) methodologyThe methodology of this research focuses on developing an enhanced AI-driven server system designed to autonomously respond to network security threats. The core functionality of this system revolves around making real-time predictions and dynamically determining appropriate actions based on those predictions. This section provides a detailed description of the processes involved, ..
AI 네트워크 방어 게임 (Cyber Shield) 3 by A to Z 영웅 (사이드 사이드 프로젝트) 1) abstractIn recent years, the advent of multiple AI technologies, particularly those developed by OpenAI, has profoundly impacted the global landscape. On May 13, 2024, the release of ChatGPT-4o marked a significant milestone[1], capturing worldwide attention. Amid this rapid evolution in AI, current AI adaptation in cybersecurity largely focus on narrow tasks such as analyzing packets or imag..