짧은 영어 글들

Jack and Jill

영웅*^%&$ 2023. 2. 23. 17:36

There was a kingdom called Cheesetopia. In this kingdom, cheese was the most precious commodity and the people cherished it above all else.


There was a talented and ambitious young cheese maker named Jack in Cheesetopia. He had always been passionate about creating new and innovative cheeses that would delight the taste buds of everyone who tried them. Jack was constantly experimenting with different ingredients and techniques in his cheese laboratory, always striving to create something new and unique.


One day, after many long hours of work, Jack finally emerged from his laboratory with a stunning creation - a deep blue cheese cake with a flavor that was unlike anything anyone had ever tasted before. Jack was ecstatic and could hardly wait to share his creation with the world.


He presented his new cheese cake to the king of Cheesetopia, who was so impressed with its flavor that he declared it the new national cheese of the kingdom. Jack was overjoyed and began to produce his new cheese cake on a massive scale to meet the growing demand.


But soon, Jack found himself struggling to keep up with the demand for his cheese cake. He worked tirelessly day and night, but it seemed like he could never produce enough to satisfy everyone who wanted to try it.


One day, Jack had an idea - he decided that he needed to find partners who could help him produce more of his amazing cheese cake. He approached the king with his idea and asked him to spread the word that he was looking for new partners.


The king was happy to help, and soon, the word was out that the greatest cheese maker of all time was looking for new partners. People from all over the kingdom and beyond began to apply, and the competition was fierce.


Jack carefully selected the most talented and promising candidates for his cheese making apprenticeship program, and Jill quickly emerged as his star pupil. She was an eager learner and asked Jack many insightful questions, which he was always happy to answer in great detail. After just three years, Jill felt she had learned all she could from Jack and decided to strike out on her own. Jack was proud of her and wished her the best of luck.


Two years later, Jill had created an incredible black cheese building, an infinity cheese amusement park that drew visitors from all over the world. She invited Jack to come see it, and he was truly amazed by what she had accomplished. While he had many other masterpieces that he could have shown her, he decided not to mention them. He didn't want Jill to feel that she had missed out on anything or that she was inferior in any way. Jack was thrilled to see that Jill had become an incredible cheese maker in her own right and was excited to see what other amazing things she would create in the future.


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